Kelley Quan New York Press Kit & Reviews
AMAZING New Beauty Secret
I am sharing with you an AMAZING new beauty “secret” that has quickly become a daily staple in my skincare arsenal. As a makeup artist, I love makeup. However as any good makeup artist will tell you, the foundation for a beautifully created makeup look, starts with great skin. I am obsessive about my skincare routine, and wish that more people took time to pamper their skin the way it should be treated… [read more]
I Simply Flipped Out
Kelley used this atomiser spray on my face that I simply flipped out over and had never seen anything like it before. You see, I love Rosewater spray and I’m a huge fan of hydrating my skin – I use it everyday as a part of my daily routine. I asked Kelley where I could get it from and she told me she invented it and came up with the concept. Genius! [read more]
I Can’t Live Without The Pocket Spa
Kelley is a make-up artist who is equally as beautiful as she is talented. She has been in the make-up biz for twenty years and has created her own line of quality Vegan Beauty Brushes that are Peta certified. All while creating a gadget, I can’t live without the Pocket Spa… [read more]